MAY 31, 2020

As you read this, the local churches in the Lord’s recovery have concluded an unprecedented period of 24/7 global prayer, beginning April 1 and ending May 30, 2020. In all, over 13,700 saints signed up on 'unceasinglypray.org' to pray in 15-minute time slots, covering every minute of the day and representing every inhabited time zone in the world. We also received reports of many, many more who were praying faithfully all over the earth without signing up; in fact, we believe that the total number of saints participating was well over 50,000. 

We worship the Lord for imbuing His children with a spirit of supplication during this time. We are assured of the advance of God’s move on the earth in the coming days as a result of our oneness with Him to intercede before His throne. May all our prayers be acceptable to Him with Christ as the incense, and may He pour out His faithful response according to His sovereign timing. May all the saints continue to persevere in prayer daily so that the atmosphere of prayer will be prevailing in all the local churches.

The 'unceasinglypray.org' site will remain live, although the daily reminder emails will no longer be sent out. We hope the saints would continue to visit the site and use the different sections, including the 30 prayer burdens, to enrich their prayer lives. There is still much to pray for, and we believe that many saints who have now touched the burden of intercession will be encouraged to persist in this strategic ministry of prayer.

We trust the co-workers and leading brothers in all the local churches will themselves continue to set an example of “men praying everywhere, lifting up holy hands,” as patterns for the other saints to follow. Likewise, we hope there will be an increase in the attendance and participation in the weekly prayer meetings of the churches. Above all, we look to the Lord that prayer, intercession, petition, and thanksgiving will truly become the hallmark of the Lord’s recovery. May our Father’s name be sanctified, His kingdom come, and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.